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Letter: Surely Burchatt’s Barn Would Be Ideal for Guildford Shakespeare Company

Published on: 19 Jan, 2019
Updated on: 19 Jan, 2019

Burchatts Barn – Photo Mandy Millyard

From Gordon Bridger

hon alderman and former Mayor of Guildford

See also: Final Council Decision on Theatre Company’s Bid for Burchatts Farm Barn Still Awaited

As a result of a FoI request from me Guildford Borough Council have confirmed, your December report, that “no final decision or agreement has been reached” about the future use of the ancient and valuable Grade II listed Burchatt’s Barn.

It was expensively refurbished in 1990 as part of our heritage and made available for community use. Its outlook over Stoke Park and its convenience meant it was a very popular venue for social events over many years. Unfortunately, the council, a few years ago, decided that it needed to pay its way and charges of over £83 per hour were levied. As a result, it has barely been used.

Recently, they put out a tender for its use and a chiropractor company were told they had been awarded the lease, despite a competing bid from the excellent Guildford Shakespeare Company (GSC) who desperately need a new better venue. GSC’s bid included an attractive Spiegeltent and making the barn available once again for community uses. It is difficult to think of a more deserving organisation a more deserving use, nor a more ideal location.

The council’s initial decision was taken under delegated responsibility by Cllr Manning, following discussion at the Property Review Group but with, “no objections from Cllrs Furniss, deputy leader and ward councillor, Nikki Nelson-Smith, lead member for arts and ward councillor, and Lib Dem Caroline Reeves, a member of the Property Review Group. Cllr Spooner has denied being consulted on the decision.

The reason the offer from the chiropractors was favoured was that it would give a better financial return to GBC. The Shakespeare Company offered the asking price of £36k compared with £40k by the chiropractors but GSC asked to be let off VAT and some  insurance, so the difference to the council, in the end, was around £15k per annum.

Fortunately, the council are now rethinking their decision, possibly because of public concern and also because use by the chiropractor would require, I am told, a “change of use” application requiring planning permission which would normally be difficult to get.

I suggest readers who think that this site must be retained for community use, and ideally for the Guildford Shakespeare Company, write to councillors and start petitions to ensure this excellent dynamic community valued young company is established on this site.

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Responses to Letter: Surely Burchatt’s Barn Would Be Ideal for Guildford Shakespeare Company

  1. Gwen Smythe Reply

    January 19, 2019 at 8:57 pm

    If GBC bases all of its decisions on economics, Guildford will be left with no social atmosphere or character and no one will bother to visit.

  2. Adam Aaronson Reply

    January 20, 2019 at 1:55 pm

    If the barn was restored for community use, it is plainly wrong for the council to be addressing the rental of this community asset from the perspective of a property developer trying to get the highest return from a tenant.

    If it is a community asset there is a strong case for the council accepting a rent from a community user that may be lower than a market rent.

    In some instances, a council might have difficulty in finding a suitable community tenant, but in this case they have Guildford Shakespeare Company offering terms that are surprisingly close to the full market rent they might have sought for a commercial space.

    Guildford Shakespeare Company is an outstandingly successful arts company, which is heavily involved in local community projects and run with the aid of hundreds of volunteers. Although they are of course independent of Guildford Borough Council, many people regard them as being one of Guildford’s greatest assets.

    So I too, find it difficult to grasp why the Council didn’t accept the offer from GSC with open arms. On the face of it, it looks like a no-brainer.

    I wonder whether the real reason that the council haven’t accepted GSC’s offer could be that somebody may have overstepped the mark and informally told the other bidder that their offer had been accepted, leaving the council in an embarrassing situation?

  3. Mary Bedforth Reply

    January 21, 2019 at 12:23 pm

    What about the adjoining cottage? That has been empty for years since a member of the park’s workforce who was the occupier left the council’s employment.

  4. John Perkins Reply

    January 28, 2019 at 9:49 am

    The council are consistent in expecting community assets to ‘pay their way’ as they apply the same logic to The Chantries and Tyting Farm. It’s just a pity they don’t apply it to themselves.

    The extra money raised by obtaining a commercial rent for Burchatts Farm would mean they could recover what they wasted on The Village in less than a century.

    Penny wise and pound foolish.

  5. Wayne Smith Reply

    January 28, 2019 at 9:05 pm

    GBC says that Burchatt’s Barn must pay it’s way and are basically quibbling over £15,000 per annum, yet they give G Live £300,000 p.a and, in return, this year’s share of ‘profits’ was £60,000. When asked about that on Twitter by Howard Smith (Guildford Labour) (and no relative of mine), Cllr Spooner responded: “We subsidise culture and the arts in Guildford”.

    Let’s hope that Cllr Spooner lives up to his words on this occasion – with the added bonus that Burchatt’s Barn is also made available for community use once more. After all, we taxpayers paid for its refurbishment.

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