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Letter: The ‘Inventive’ Campaigning of Guildford’s Conservative Candidate Angela Richardson 

Published on: 9 Dec, 2019
Updated on: 9 Dec, 2019

From Bill Smith

At least three times in the past week, Conservative candidate Angela Richardson has stated we can “invent” or “innovate” our way out of the climate crisis.

She has also unfairly heaped this burden of responsibility on young people, those least responsible for the climate chaos humanity faces.

Ms Richardson seems to be under the impression that climate breakdown is something that might happen. But the crisis is already a grim reality for millions of people. Every day, 1,000 children in the global south die as a direct result of climate change. Every day, up to 200 species are going extinct, all because of human activity.

I will pose three scenarios for Ms Richardson and ask how she proposes realistic or practical paths to “inventing our way out” of any of these:

Warmer oceans mean more moisture taken into the atmosphere, resulting in heavier rain and extreme flooding. In the north of England, 1,000 homes have been underwater in the past month. The Conservative government has done so little to help those who have lost everything that trade unions have had to step in to help flood victims. What “invention” could solve this?

The drought that preceded the Syrian civil war was the worst in 900 years. Other socio-political factors played a significant role, forcing millions of rural Syrians into towns and cities and causing further overcrowding and food shortages. The inevitable outcome of resource shortage is conflict. How would Ms Richardson reassure the families of the 1.5 million Syrian war dead that we can “invent our way out” of a repeat scenario?

The UK cannot feed itself. We import 40% of the food we eat. As global drought spreads, and other countries refuse to sell us food they need, we face a real threat of food shortage. Some studies estimate this could happen within the next decade. What “invention” can solve a global food crisis driven by rising emissions spawned by the relentless need for growth in our economic system?

All we hear from the government is “It’s going to be fine”, “We’ll invent our way out”, or “We must all take personal responsibility”. These are lies. Lies aimed at maintaining the status quo. Thousands of studies highlight the threats we face.

There is no room for the so-called “ruling classes” to focus on anything other than the real issue here, accelerating emissions caused by unrelenting growth driven by an unsustainable economic model.

These repeated statements by wannabe politicians demonstrate either a profound misunderstanding of a very simple problem, or a wilful complicity in allowing the deaths of millions. There is only one way out of this crisis, immediate and drastic cuts in our CO2 emissions.

Any other solution is simply genocide on a mass scale, so a handful of corporations can keep getting richer while the planet burns.

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Responses to Letter: The ‘Inventive’ Campaigning of Guildford’s Conservative Candidate Angela Richardson 

  1. John Perkins Reply

    December 9, 2019 at 3:30 pm

    The desire to return to a simple agrarian existence echoes that of Pol Pot, a man who thought mass murder was a legitimate means of control.

    It’s not immediately clear how corporations could get richer as their markets disappear.

  2. Colin Cross Reply

    December 9, 2019 at 3:47 pm

    Anybody in Guildford constituency who is remotely concerned about the global climate crisis needs to be reminded that Angela Richardson confirmed in her recent Dragon interview that she supported the Tory Local Plan and was happy with developing massive housing estates on the existing farmland at Former Wisley Airfield and Gosden Hill.

    In fact, her only notable claim to any green credentials is how green behind the ears she is to think that her satisfaction and support of this Tory stance was something she should openly espouse and be proud of. Hopefully, she will be made aware of this error of judgement on Thursday.

    Colin Cross is the R4GV borough councillor for Lovelace (Ripley, Wisley and Ockham).

  3. Mark Insoll Reply

    December 9, 2019 at 4:04 pm

    For more about innovation, and the inter-generational justice aspect of the climate emergency, can I please recommend watching the recent interview with Professor Chris Rapley.

  4. Kevin Bezant Reply

    December 9, 2019 at 7:25 pm

    Excellent letter from Bill Smith. I thank him.

    Whatever happens on Thursday, let us hope and pray the next administration takes climate change seriously.

    Sadly, I am not convinced they will.

  5. Colin Cross Reply

    December 10, 2019 at 9:30 am

    I had the pleasure of meeting and listening to Prof Chris Rapley’s recent address to the Guildford Environmental Forum (GEF) members and the public at the GBC Chamber.

    Sadly very few members of the current administration attended what was a very informative lecture.

    It’s simply not sufficient to pass motions for carbon- and plastic-free environments if you then go ahead with a 15-year GBC Local Plan that will put a 1,000 new houses pa on our green countryside throughout the borough, thus increasing carbon emissions for all.

    Actions speak louder than words, whatever your political persuasion.

    Colin Cross is the R4GV borough councillor for Lovelace (Ripley, Wisley and Ockham).

    • Lisa Wright Reply

      December 11, 2019 at 12:30 pm

      I would just like to make a small change to Cllr Cross statement, GBC are putting over 8,000 homes on green fields, Gosden Hill Farm, Blackwell Farm, Wisley/Three Farms Meadows, Slyfield, Ash & Tongham and a whole host of smaller sites across the borough.

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