From Fiona Curtis
In response to: Green Councillors Slam Council’s Consultation On Air Quality Action Plan For Shalford
Thousands of pounds and many man-hours are spent in efforts to be seen to do something about the air quality issue but in truth, very little has been done that will really make a difference.
The reason, as I stated previously in my letter I Hope Shalford Does Not Have to Wait as Long as Compton for Action on Air Quality, is because you cannot get a quart into a pint pot.
Guildford and its surrounding counties are affluent areas with a high percentage of cars, with more on the way, thanks to the willingness of previous and some existing councillors to take on twice the level of housing (and therefore people with cars) than is needed to cater for the demographic need.
Throughout the Local Plan, throwaway comments were made about mitigation to enable more growth than is needed, but with minimal funding and little in the way of a reality check concerning the impact of this growth. The minor “improvements” planned will barely deal with present problems let alone new ones caused by large-scale developments, not just in Guildford but all around the county.
As I am now a visitor to the area, I stay in different villages as well as the town centre. While efforts to reduce traffic in the town centre are helpful for the town, the traffic has to go somewhere and villages (which often have a preponderance of roadside homes) are suffering congestion and poor air quality, as well as the noise and damage from vibrations.
Radical intervention is needed to improve Guildford’s infrastructure and the East-West route in particular. Developer-based funding is not only insufficient (if there is to be any lower-cost housing) but perpetuates the problem (more housing means more cars).
Without significant subsidy, the cost of electric cars is prohibitive for most people and cycle lanes on many village routes are far from safe. The new borough council is making all the right noises about its position concerning the environment and it would be helpful if the lead councillor for the environment was fully supported because actions speak louder than words.
It would further help if SCC had a similar agenda (traffic flow being their key priority), which is why the Action Plan for the B3000 in Compton took almost six years to come to fruition and still lacks the action needed and indeed recommended.
Two reports were commissioned at taxpayer expense, suggesting changes that would collectively reduce pollution. Only one action has been agreed (and not yet implemented) which was, in fact, suggested by the Parish Council and which will work only if implemented alongside other measures.
None of the measures account for any growth or the impact of the new sign erected by SCC since the AQMA came into force, directing lorries heading for Godalming through Compton and the AQMA?!
The Lib Dems say their hands are tied because of the pro-development policies that underpin the NPPF and they have lobbied central government to bring change. For residents (and indeed visitors and those considering a move to Guildford) to see such communications would be helpful.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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