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Letter: What Are the Grounds for the Requested Judicial Reviews of The Local Plan?

Published on: 8 Jun, 2019
Updated on: 8 Jun, 2019

From Simon Mason

In response to: Three Separate Applications for Judicial Review of Guildford’s Local Plan Underway

Are there any precise details on what legal grounds these are being contested on?

I know that Ockham Parish Council is contesting the inclusion of the Wisley site but was wondering on what legal grounds. Likewise for Compton PC and the Blackwell Farm site allocation.

It was suggested in the article above that Jules Cranwell is challenging the legality of the plan on behalf of the villages but I am wondering on exactly what legal grounds? The lawyers have obviously advised him that there are legal grounds I was just hoping that they/he could share these with the Dragon readers.

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Responses to Letter: What Are the Grounds for the Requested Judicial Reviews of The Local Plan?

  1. Simon Mason Reply

    June 9, 2019 at 11:19 am

    It would also be great to know timescales and whether there is any effect on the adopted plans policies and sites until the Judge makes his decision. Are there any legal eagles out there who can advise on this?

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