From Derek Payne
It seems that Virgin Media are unable to repair their cabinets when they become damaged or broken, and now revert to either covering them with some sort of mesh material or, in some cases, just put a little barrier in front of the cables.
These cabinets house several connections to individual properties and show details of the addresses.
Having been in contact with Virgin Media at CEO and Executive Complaint Team level, it seems they are either not able or not prepared to do anything about this, and we have three issues locally (Rodney Way; Merrow Copse; Laustan Close – see photos) which have been like this since February 2023, so 11 months and counting!
Formal complaints were raised in April last year, and I have been in touch with Virgin Media on many occasions since then.
I was told that the Rodney Way cabinet was decommissioned – but that’s not true.
It took about five months to get an engineer out, and he confirmed that the cabinet was operational. He was also honest enough to say that Virgin Media were no longer repairing “old” cabinets, as there is a program of work to replace them with a new style. So, there are no spare parts available to fix issues with the “old” cabinets.
I was told by a member of the Executive Complaint Team that there is only one company in the UK that has been contracted to replace the “old” boxes with new and that replacements (even for damaged cabinets) can take up to a year.
There are three local examples that are approaching that timescale, and despite having requested that the work be completed by October 2024, or I would approach national media, I seem to have been ignored. So I am starting with the local press to see if there is any feedback.
In summary, it would appear that Virgin Media do not care about the safety and security of cabling to individuals’ properties. And, although I have no evidence, it seems very likely that this is a national issue.
I was a Virgin Media customer until about four years ago. Based on this, I would never go back.
Editor’s comment: Virgin Media has been invited to respond.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Julia Funnell
January 17, 2025 at 9:17 am
Similar in Canterbury Road. I reported a damaged box in November 2023 and it got replaced in August 2024. The guys doing it were not surprised by how long it had taken, but offered no explanation.
The old green box, which blended well with the privet hedge behind it, has been replaced with a light grey eyesore. I guess it is more visible for the partially sighted and those out and about when the streetlights are off, but I can’t imagine Virgin Media being that thoughtful. Also, the colour seems to flout Surrey County Council’s requirements and guidance that “Street furniture should also be in keeping with its environment.”
Steve Grove
January 17, 2025 at 1:10 pm
Early last year I reported to Virgin Media that the cabinet at the end of White House Drive off Horseshoe Lane West was missing its door. A few weeks later I had a response from Virgin Media to say someone would attend to the cabinet. Eventually a grey canvas-type cover was put over the box but since then no further action.
On visiting a house in Merrow Woods today the Virgin Media cabinet on the corner opposite No.43 Merrow Woods is missing its door, as is the cabinet on Boxgrove Lane by the junction with Woodway. I do not know if these have been reported to Virgin Media, but it is blatantly clear that Virgin Media do not care.
Wayne Smith
January 17, 2025 at 4:54 pm
Take a walk around Merrow and Burpham and it wont be long before you see one of those grey bags over a Virgin Media cabinet or a cabinet open to the elements with the door missing. I wonder if this is mindless vandalism or are the doors being stolen for scrap metal?