From Julian Cranwell
In response to: Dragon Interview: Six Months On… Still A Way To Go For Openness at GBC
An excellent and insightful interview.
The three councillors were a little timid on the Nolan Principles, but it is clear that there has been no improvement in openness.
It is worrying that the leadership clearly influences the outcomes of officer reports, to give the answers they want. So, no improvement there. It is concerning to hear that officers have been so worn down by the previous administration, that they cannot work independently of councillors’ demands.
I do not believe that these passionate young people honestly believe that the Local Plan is compatible with a climate emergency. Some of the houses may be, or may not, be carbon neutral, but the transportation requirements to and from the green belt sites will be anything but.
Up to 50,000 new cars on our roads will be disastrous to our climate locally. And then there is the impact of the loss of carbon-absorbing trees and flora, which will inevitably follow the destruction of large swathes of green belt.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Angela Medina
November 21, 2019 at 9:05 am
I thought the interview with the three new young councillors was a breath of fresh air just what Guildford BC needs to start to rid us of the secretive methods used in the past.
I hope they will have the strength of youth to resist the pressures of vested interests.