From Karen Stevens
Save Hogs Back campaigner
Karen Stevens is circulating a letter to all GBC councillors regarding the Judicial Reviews of the Local Plan
As I am sure you are aware, Compton Parish Council (CPC) has been given permission to take its challenge of the Local Plan (and specifically the Blackwell Farm site allocation) to the High Court. This means the judge believes the PC has a case to argue.
Save Hogs Back fully supports CPC’s action, and would like to ask the councillors four questions before voting tomorrow evening on the motion to determine the extent to which GBC should defend its Local Plan in the High Court.
i) Does anyone on the council really believe that providing 4,000 homes above the borough’s objectively assessed housing need is an “exceptional circumstance” for building on the green belt and (in the case of Blackwell Farm) for building a road through the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)? Because this is what your QC will be arguing.
ii) Does anyone really think that a road through an AONB, up a steep hill on the flank of the iconic Hogs Back, is not major development? Because this is what your QC will be arguing.
iii) Do you seriously believe that the privately-owned, single-lane, tree-lined track that currently serves the dozen or so residents of Down Place and Blackwell Farm, might be suitable as a main access to 1,800 homes, two schools, shops and an extended business park? Because this is what your QC has already argued in your defence.
iv) Finally, does anyone believe that it is worth spending tens of thousands of pounds of public money to defend a Local Plan, which includes development sites that are not needed and cannot realistically be built during the Plan period? Should you go against the wishes of Guildford residents who you represent by taking land out of green belt just to line the pockets of developers?
It is not so long ago that the Guildford Borough Council took Surrey CC to the High Court in order to prevent building at Gosden Hill. You have the opportunity to remove at least two strategic sites, without revisiting the whole Plan.
The people of Guildford are looking to you to act in their best interests and to reconsider the decision to defend the Local Plan as adopted by the previous administration, rather than taking the easy (but expensive option) of defending a Plan to suit the developers.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Jules Cranwell
July 23, 2019 at 1:31 pm
It is clear that the election gave the council a mandate to reject the worst elements of the Local Plan. This is what the JRs seek to do, not to throw out the plan in its entirety.
To now defend the indefensible would be an unforgivable betrayal of residents. The new regime should learn from the past mistakes of the Tories and actually, listen to residents.
We cannot deliver the government’s new policy to become carbon neutral by 2050, without countryside to plant the required 30,000 hectares of trees per year. The green belt must be sacrosanct to achieve this.