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Letter: A New East-West Route Is Still Possible

Published on: 27 Aug, 2024
Updated on: 27 Aug, 2024

From Bibhas Neogi

In response to: Guildford – Another Opportunity Missed?

I have previously commented on Alistair Smith’s letter above.

I mentioned five points that need to be addressed holistically. One that needs urgent attention
is exploring the possibility of creating a new east-west route. This is vital in removing the gyratory and regenerating the riverside in the town centre.

Solum development has blocked any route through this area and currently there appears to be only one possible route left.

It could be located further north of the railway station and through Jewson’s Yard and the light industrial area opposite in Walnut Tree Close. The route then going through old Arriva/Stagecoach depot in Leas Road/Mary Road junction. Jewson’s Yard site has a planning approval for housing and therefore urgency is needed to negotiate a through route.

Here is a sketch showing one possibility:

The sketch below shows part of the new route off Woodbridge Road towards Mary Road. Leas Road is made one-way and thus they together form a loop to which the remainder of the new route joins at the corner of the bus depot site.

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Responses to Letter: A New East-West Route Is Still Possible

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    August 27, 2024 at 12:32 pm

    I remain convinced that if the link to road Potters Lane to A25 and an upgrade of the Compton route to Godalming at Peasmarsh would solve most of the through traffic problems in Guildford. Moving the through traffic out of the centre is better than leaving stationary, fuming traffic in the centre.

  2. Bibhas Neogi Reply

    August 28, 2024 at 7:48 pm

    I think Jim Allen is talking about a different problem. The new east-west route I suggested reduces traffic in southbound Onslow Street and hence enables the gyratory to be removed.

    For Woodbridge Road and York Road traffic this would be an alternative route to the railway station, Onslow village, the hospital and the university.

    With the reopened Town Bridge, Friary Bridge could be restricted for pedestrians only along with the regeneration of the riversides. Friary Bridge could be used as a stage for performances and riversides areas as galleries for the public. It could also be used for the weekend market instead of North Street.

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